Design and characterization of a task management system
UX Research
System analysis
UX Design
UI and visuals
Nefesh Yehudi
Management team
Development team
UX UI Project Facilitator
October 2023 – December 2024
Backround - Nefesh Yehudi
Nefesh Yehudi is an organization that works to deepen Jewish awareness, and the connection to the roots of the culture and values of the people of Israel through experiential meetings for students organized by the organization's activists.
Project Summary
Development of a task management system
Activists in the organization are activity coordinators who receive instructions from their managers and facilitate connections between students, meetings, and other activities.
To ensure order, Nefesh Yehudi began developing a task management system. Students provide feedback, and coordinators assign tasks to tutors based on this feedback.
Development of the system was halted several years ago. Now, with the opportunity for female engineers to develop it, a new characterization is required to align with internal changes in the organization.
The challenges
Learning the survey system.
Mapping the features in the system that did not go live
Investigation of mission systems
Research competitors
In the competitive analysis of task management systems, we compared various existing solutions to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation in our system. We analyzed functionality, interface design, user experience, pricing, and unique features of each system.
We identified strengths and weaknesses in each competitor's system and examined user feedback. insights have guided us in developing advanced solutions and enhancing user experience in our system.
User journey
Here is one of the user journeys we created in which a coordinator generates a task for an operator from feedback on a particular student's questionnaire
Logs into the system
Watches the students' answers to the survey/questionnaire that was sent
Notices a student response that can be a task for one of the activists
Clicks on the feedback/ icon next to it which creates a response based task
Fills in additional details for the task and sends to the operator
Let's see what we have to do today?
It is interesting to see new feedback from students
Let's create a task for his activist!
Which task will be most effective for the student?
Fills in additional details for the task and sends to the operator
Energy & curiosity
Doubt, hope
Information architecture
Design system
Buttons and fields
Final screens
Feedbacks screen
This screen can concentrate or activate the feedback of students in events. The feedbacks are arranged by events – each event contains the feedbacks related to it. In addition, there is an option to search for feedback to get access to it.
Feedback screen
This screen allows the coordinator or the operator to view student feedback on the specific event he has chosen. The feedback is structured in a similar way to Google Forms, with questions and the possibility to view all the answers, when the answers are identified with the students who wrote them.
Tasks screen
On this screen you can view the created tasks, see the coordinators or activists related to the task, change the status of the task, and view the target date (deadline) of the task.
Setting screen
When adding goals and tasks, there are fields where the selection is made from a database. The database is based on the options that exist in the settings, and from there it draws them. In this screen you can edit the options, delete or add new options.
:Goals screen
On this screen, when one of the destinations is open, you can see the tasks related to the destination in all their details.
:task creation screen
In this screen you can create a task for an active in the context of a student. The screen appears after clicking on the "Create a new task" button, which is located in various places on the site, to facilitate the coordinator in creating tasks.